Conch Jewelry 
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Read The Legend of the Conch, the true symbol of Key West
Yellow Gold ,Yellow with Pink Gold Lips, White Gold, .....Sterling Silver, Conchs with Stones, Pearls Classic Original Design 14K and 18K -- 6" tp 8/5 "
Conchs with Coral Branches Conch Tennis Bracelets with Precious Stones
Conch Maltese Crosses. Bracelet for Men: Alternating Conchs and .....Anchors.....Bold. Heavy. Durable.
Conch Shell Circle Design. Center stones, .....coral,.pearls CONCH CHARMS FOR BRACELETS
EARRINGS Charms for Bracelets 
Yellow gold or with pink gold lips. Stones. Hanging .....on seahorse tails. NECKLACES
Jackets and to hang on hoops Necklaces: Full Length -- 16" to 24"
Conch Shell Circle Design. Center stones, .....coral,..pearls CUFF LINKS, SHIRT STUDS, TIE TACS
Conch Hibiscus Jewelry: Earrings, .... ......pendants,.jackets, bracelets, rings Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, Tie Tacs
Conchs Hanging from Tails of Seahorses KEY WEST CONCH CAFE-CON -LECHE SPOON
RINGS Spoon; Sterling with silver or gold conch atop .... ....handle. For your cafe con leche.
Plain yellow or with pink gold lips. Stones. Crown .....of..Engagement CONCH-HIBISCUS JEWELRY
Crown of Conchs. A band of tiny gold conchs .....that.encircle your finger. Conch Hibiscus Jewelry: Earrings, pendants, .....jackets, bracelets, rings. Stones.
Engagement Ring. Crown of Conchs. Conch stone center
Wedding and Engagement  
Conch and Dolphin Mariner's Ring. Small for ..... ......ladies..Large for men.  

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